Friday, June 24, 2011

Minecraft - Offline Wiki

Recently there has been some rather extended down time for both the minecraft forum and the minecraft wiki. As a result, I have decided that an early release of a project I have been working on is in order. Please note that this is an extremely rough representation of what it should eventually look like. My goal is to provide weekly updates, so that anyone can get the information contained on the minecraft wiki, even when they are not connected to the internet. The wiki is provided as a .zip file containing .html documents. Just open index.html, and you should be good to go.

Download (There will be bugs!)

* Note - This post will not be updated. Check here for information and updates.


  1. Nice. This will be helpful to many. :3

  2. YES!!! Thanks this will be great incase any other incidents follow. Keep it up!

  3. Absolutely brilliant! I was just about to go about this myself.
    For those that may wonder why someone would want this: the whole world isn't lucky enough to be always connected. Where I live, in the country-side, there's a bloody tree in the way of me and the 'mast'. Also, as it's Rip-off Ir...' I'm not paying the price of a small mortgage for either PAYG mobile bb or satellite.
    Anyway, great work and thanks.
    Look foward to the updates. Cheers!
