Offline Wiki

The Offline Wiki is a project I have been working on to take the information from the Minecraft Wiki, and provide it in a format that can be used when you have no connection to the internet. The offline wiki consists of approximately 1800 images, and 1200 html files. There is no program, no executable, just the html documents. Javascript is useful, but not necessary to view files. Just know that the search bar won't work without it.

  * The majority of the Minecraft wiki on your local disk
  * No executable
  * Weekly (?) updates
  * Links to /tutorial/ pages have not been removed.
  * Crafting recipe images do not overlap.
  * Occasional "weird" text.
   7/1/11 - v1.0
      * Completely rebuilt wiki
   6/25/11 - v0.2
      * Fixed redirect and case-sensitive pages
      * Added image parsing (does not work with galleries)
   6/24/11 - v0.1 (Release)


I will be offering two types of downloads - update, and complete packages. The update packages will contain only the files that have changed since the previous update, while the complete package will contain the entire thing.
Current Version - Complete (1.0 update 3) [235.1 mb]
Current Version - Update (1.0 update 3) [43.2 mb]
Older Versions
  • v1.0 update 1
  • v1.0 update 2


  1. You are awesome, I think that what you are doing is great!

  2. This is great, I wonder when the next update (after 3), will be? Much added since then.
